We provide a host of quality diagnostic services at Dr Mittal’s Diagnostic Centre using state-of-the-art equipment at our facility in Rohini, Delhi.
Ultrasound 2D, 3D & 4D and Color Doppler
The FIRST installation of the Voluson E8 in North Delhi, which is the most advanced 3D and 4D Ultrasound cum Color Doppler machine from GE Healthcare.
We also use the Voluson 730 series from GE to provide 3D and 4D ultrasounds and color dopplers.
It is one of the most advanced “Live” 3D/4D whole body ultrasound scanner cum color doppler with Echocardiography facility.
It features multiple multi-frequency broadband probes for all diagnostic applications.
We offer complete range of ultrasound scanning and color doppler examinations including whole abdomen, obstetrics, level 2, doppler scanning, along with fetal, neonatal, and stress ECHO services.

Digital X-Ray

We use the latest AGFA CR 35-X digitizer and the AGFA Drystar AXYS imager, one of the best available computed radiography systems from Agfa Healthcare.
The CR 35-X is a highly versatile digitizing system which supports a broad range of applications and gives an excellent image quality.
The DRYSTAR AXYS is the only tabletop imager on the market able to print mammography images, it meets demanding image quality requirements, such as mammography and rheumatology, with ease. The imager incorporates Agfa HealthCare’s Direct Digital Imaging (DDI) technology, which provides virtually flawless and consistently sharper image quality.
We provide whole body DEXA scan imaging and Bone Mineral Densitometry services using the latest DEXA machine, from GE Healthcare. Full range of services at the best price ranging from single site DEXA scan, two site, three site, to four site DEXA scan and whole body DEXA scanning services.
Rate list for Bone densitometry (BMD) or DEXA Scan (Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) investigations offered at Dr Mittal’s Diagnostic Centre in Delhi is provided below. It is commonly used to diagnose osteoporosis, measure bone loss, and assess an individual’s risk for developing fractures.

Digital Mammography

We use the GE SENOGRAPHE 600T SENIX H, which is a top of the line mammography machine from GE Medical Systems, USA. This advanced machine helps us provide the best quality routine scan mammograms for preventive screening of breast cancer.
It provides excellent high resolution digital mammography images and helps detect any abnormality, changes, lumps, or any other symptoms of breast cancer.
We advise a mammography scan, or mammogram, for all ladies above the age of 40 years. The scan should be repeated at least once in every two years, or more frequently if recommended, by your doctor. It is important to note that a mammography scan should be done even when no lump or mass can be felt in the breast.
For list of mammography investigations and prices, please visit our Mammography Rate List using the link below. We offer both single breast mammography scan as well as both breast mammography scan.
Dental Imaging
Digital OPG

We provide advanced digital OPG (Orthopantomography) and dental X-Ray imaging services with the all new CS 8100, the sophisticated compact panoramic imaging system, developed by Carestream Dental, USA.
It uses Carestream’s most advanced imaging technology to deliver high quality digital images instantly, helping us provide the best possible patient care.
It has won several prestigious awards including the Reddot Design Award for 2013.
Available at only a select few diagnostic centres in India, ours being the FIRST installation in North Delhi.
We use the latest state-of-the-art Cone-beam Computed Tomography systems (CBCT) System NEWTOM GO from NewTom (Italy) for best in class Dental Scanning.
It brings Imaging Excellence combined with the versatility of a complete and safe, technologically advanced system.
The NEWTOM GO 2D/3D/CEPH system is a flexible platform that provides High quality images that meet a wide range of clinical diagnostic needs, all in one compact device.
For more info, you can refer to the brochure below.
For the CBCT Scan Rates, please refer to the Dental Rate List also linked below.

Lateral cephalogram
Occlusal view
Lab Sciences

We have a fully equipped state of the art pathology lab having latest equipment from leading global manufacturers. We use the following :
METROLAB 2300 PLUS – Random Access Clinical Autoanalyzer
ARK – Fully automatic Biochemistry Autoanalyzer
RADIANCE TOSOH (Japan) – CLIA (Chemiluminescence immunoassay) Hormone Analyser
EASYLYTE – Fully automatic Electrolyte Analyzer.
MINDRAY – Fully Automatic 5 parts 25 parameters Hematology Analyser
MICROLAB 2000 MERCK (Germany) – Computerized Biochemistry Autoanalyzer
HUMA CLOT (Human) (Germany) – Coagulometer
VES-MASTIC EASY from Transasia (Japan) – Automated ESR analyser
MISPA – I2 from AGAPPE (Switzerland) – Nephelometery & Photometry Specific Protein Analyser
B.D. Sure Path DTS system – For PAP smear by LBC (Liquid based cytology)
We do most Clinical Pathology, Histopathology, FNAC, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Haematology tests including Hormones and ELISA tests.
We provide expert echocardiography and TMT facilities using the following machines:
– Computerized ECG Mini Graf3 – Computerised with Instant Reports
Latest BTL08-MD ECG AND TMT MACHINE- Computerised with Instant Reports
– Computerized ECG machine from Schiller (Switzerland) with Instant Report